Golden Spiced Oats with Figs, Blueberries and Macadamias


Porridge is a blank canvas.

I probably afford more attention to creating a delicious bowl of oats than other things like creating delicious assignments. Despite this, it’s a small preparation that has slowly become a weekly morning winter ritual. I experiment with different spices and milks and  come up with some form of yummy experiment. Below is the steaming bowl I inhaled this morning.  Why is it yellow? Well ground turmeric is the key to it’s beautiful golden hue! Previously I only used it in savoury dishes, but have expanded it repertoire and subtle flavour to  include sweeter things like porridge and fresh  chai.
Turmeric owes it’s golden hue to a component called curcumin. This agent was identified over a century ago to sport anti-inflammatory properties.  Recent research has shown that curcumin helps to regulate factors that are linked to inflammation in chronic autoimmune diseases*. Curcumin specifically affects inflammatory signalling pathways in immune cells*. Go curcumin!The blood sugar swings I experience with diabetes (type 1)  leave my body in a state of inflammation so I try to incoroporate it into my diet where I can. Adding turmeric to your diet ensures a super golden glow in your food all-year round, and no doubts your body will love you for it too!

Golden Spiced Porridge with Figs, Blueberries and Macadamias

  • Organic Oats
  • 1:1 ratio of water & milk (coconut & almond are my favourite but regular is fine!)
  • Turmeric
  • Cinnamon
  • Mixed spice
  • Coconut Sugar


  • Organic dried figs
  • Warmed blueberries
  • Macadamias
  • Almonds
  • Chia seeds

Get creative with quantities and toppings! I found the turmeric worked beautifully with the bursts of blueberries and fig. Maple syrup would also be divine!

Happy slurping!


* Curcrumin and Autoimmune Disease, Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology, Vol. 595

 Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

4 thoughts on “Golden Spiced Oats with Figs, Blueberries and Macadamias

  1. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely Divine!! It Is so great to see how you combine and work with different ingredients to create a health boosting bowl of delight. Congratulations on your thinking outside the square xx


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