Golden Spiced Oats with Figs, Blueberries and Macadamias


Porridge is a blank canvas.

I probably afford more attention to creating a delicious bowl of oats than other things like creating delicious assignments. Despite this, it’s a small preparation that has slowly become a weekly morning winter ritual. I experiment with different spices and milks and  come up with some form of yummy experiment. Below is the steaming bowl I inhaled this morning.  Why is it yellow? Well ground turmeric is the key to it’s beautiful golden hue! Previously I only used it in savoury dishes, but have expanded it repertoire and subtle flavour to  include sweeter things like porridge and fresh  chai. Continue reading

Soup & Flowers on Sunday

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I took some time out to do two small things for myself today.

In between southern squalls I wandered amongst the beautiful old cottages of Battery Point, in search of flowers to enliven my bedroom and mind. Even in winter the suburb of Battery Point is a flower-addicts heaven. Being Sunday I was aware that most people would be home, so I’m sorry to say that no stealthy flower-plucking fence scaling took place. Instead I searched for the flowers that mingled with the blurred lines of private and public spaces. Until I get my flower plucking confidence up I’ll be limiting the more extreme bloom-borrows to late night missions! Upon getting home with my loot I set about cooking myself a nourishing organic soup. A few days ago I found a big bundle of cauliflower for $2 at the local organic food store, ‘Eumarrah’. The prospect of soup was sealed. Continue reading